In Books, Media

Brunch bunch

Rules on public speaking learned at this morning’s Ben McNally Books and Brunch: 1. Never take antihistamines before any sort of public speaking engagement as your mouth will turn into the Gobi desert. 2. Never assume you can just read the lovely speech you have prepared for the event.

In spite of failing at both #s 1 and 2, it was a lovely morning and I very much enjoyed meeting my fellow authors and brunch table companions.

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  1. Carolyn Harris
    8 years ago

    I enjoyed brunching with you all as well! I’m currently reading What Remains and I’m greatly enjoying it – what a wonderful tribute to your mum.

    1. Karen von Hahn
      8 years ago

      Great to hear, Carolyn! It was lovely seeing you as well and I very much look forward to reading Raising Royalty.

      1. Carolyn Harris
        8 years ago

        Thank you!


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